Evaluation of AGRA's Strengthening Agricultural Input and Output Market in Africa (SAIOMA)
Evaluation of AGRA's Strengthening Agricultural Input and Output Market in Africa (SAIOMA)
Evaluation of AGRA’s Strengthening Agricultural Input and Output Market in Africa (SAIOMA)
Strengthening Agricultural Input and Output Markets in Africa program is hosted by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). It is a multi-partner initiative working to improve inclusive agricultural sector growth in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia through a Global Development Alliance supported by the United States Agency for International Development, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
SAIOMA pursued its overall goal through two primary program objectives: i) Improved Agricultural Production through strengthening agro-dealer networks to improve smallholder farmers’ access to improved agro-inputs and appropriate agronomic practices.; and ii) Improved smallholder farmers access to markets through investing in market development, storage and services and direct procurement. The focus crops for market access activities are green grams, pigeon pea, cow pea, groundnuts sunflower, sorghum, cassava, and maize. The main objective of this final evaluation was to assess the overall program performance in relation to its objectives, and to provide input into the new strategic directions or implementation designs/strategies of another phase should funds be available. The evaluation assessed what has worked, what did not work very well, key lessons learned and what areas should be emphasized or adjusted, in the second phase.