october, 2024
Event Details
The Centre for African Bio-Entrepreneurship (CABE Africa) in collaboration with the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research is hosting and implementing the Utafiti Sera (Research-Policy) Project on
Event Details
The Centre for African Bio-Entrepreneurship (CABE Africa) in collaboration with the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research is hosting and implementing the Utafiti Sera (Research-Policy) Project on Youth Employment Creation in Agriculture and Agro-processing Phase IV (YEC IV). This project is funded by funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and aims to enhance research evidence uptake in Agribusiness and Agro-processing and focuses on building more inclusive policies and practices for the agri-based micro, small, and mediumsized enterprises (MSMEs) in Kenya.
In order to catalyze uptake and application of research evidence to inform policy and decision making by MSMEs, capacity building through short trainings and development of learning materials was prioritized as one of the objectives of YEC IV project. Capacity assessment of 106 MSMEs was undertaken and administered using a digital capacity assessment tool in July 2024 for the selected Agri-based MSMEs in Makueni, Nyandarua, West Pokot and Kakamega counties to identify opportunities and challenges in mango, potato and avocado value chains. The study revealed capacity gaps that required a design of capacity strengthening plan for effective MSMES participation in successful sustainable businesses, entrepreneurship and policy process.
The key assessment areas included: Sales Marketing and Quality Control, Use of Information and/or Technology, Business Relationships and Networking, Resources and Financial Management, Leadership and Governance. These assessment areas were informed by the synthesis of evidence from secondary literature, prior rapid assessment of the MSMEs, and input from stakeholders at the Launch of Utafiti-sera Youth Employment Creation in Agriculture and Agro-processing (YEC IV) in March 2024.
The capacity strengthening or building envisages to improve an individual’s or organization’s ability “to produce, perform or deploy” by enhancing capacities in four strategic areas including Operational, Management, Financial Management, and Personal capacities for a strong and successful entrepreneurship. While some capacities are gained through career experience, through educational avenues, some capacities are strengthened through learned responses in the business environment.
Waridi Paradise, Kilimani, Nairobi
October 17-18, 2024
october 17 (Thursday) - 18 (Friday)
Waridi Paradise
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