About us
How We Got Started
The Centre for African Bio-Entrepreneurship (CABE) is not-for-profit making organization established under the Non-Governmental Co-ordination Act of 1990 of Kenya in 2004 and is located in Nairobi, Kenya. CABE was established as a knowledge sharing organization that works to enhance the skills of smallholder farmers, women and youth entrepreneurs in Africa, Kenya to advance their meaningful participation in agriculture and agribusiness activities.
The uniqueness of CABE is its focus on agro-entrepreneurship, market linkages, business development, research, innovations and policy process. The technical team at CABE and its consulting unit, CABE Africa Limited (CAL) is multi-skilled and multi-disciplinary covering diverse agricultural value chains in Kenya and beyond.
We are a team of experts in the fields of agriculture, agronomy, research, veterinary and animal production, agribusiness marketing and economics, rural finance, water & environmental engineer. We specialize in consultancy, research, capacity building, training and supply of agribusiness innovations and products. Our adoption of the value chain and farmer-field school and business approaches ensures that smallholder farmers, women and youth get engaged in profitable and sustainable agribusinesses.
We consult for various organizations in different agricultural value chains. Just to mention a few, we are providing capacity building services for on livestock value chain (beef, dairy, fodder), horticulture, water and sanitation, seed programs, rural finance, policy advocacy and economic empowerment in Kenya and Uganda.
We build capacity of farmers (and other service providers), develop inclusive value chains and improve linkages along the chains. We employ Inclusive Business Development models, market and enterprise development approaches –creating farmer linkages to markets. We also build networks with different actors including NGOs/CBOs/government/private sector/farmers.
Our vision is ‘to be the lead promoter of Agri-preneurs in Kenya’. CABE’s four core programs bring together the right mix of policy actors, researchers, government, private sectors and academicians to;
- Capacity building and training
- Market linkages
- Access to improved inputs
- Access to extension and financial services
How We Got Started
The Centre for African Bio-Entrepreneurship (CABE) is not-for-profit making organization established under the Non-Governmental Co-ordination Act of 1990 of Kenya in 2004 and is located in Nairobi, Kenya. CABE was established as a knowledge sharing organization that works to enhance the skills of smallholder farmers, women and youth entrepreneurs in Africa, Kenya to advance their meaningful participation in agriculture and agribusiness activities.
The uniqueness of CABE is its focus on agro-entrepreneurship, market linkages, business development, research, innovations and policy process. The technical team at CABE and its consulting unit, CABE Africa Limited (CAL) is multi-skilled and multi-disciplinary covering diverse agricultural value chains in Kenya and beyond.
We are a team of experts in the fields of agriculture, agronomy, research, veterinary and animal production, agribusiness marketing and economics, rural finance, water & environmental engineer. We specialize in consultancy, research, capacity building, training and supply of agribusiness innovations and products. Our adoption of the value chain and farmer-field school and business approaches ensures that smallholder farmers, women and youth get engaged in profitable and sustainable agribusinesses.
We consult for various organizations in different agricultural value chains. Just to mention a few, we are providing capacity building services for on livestock value chain (beef, dairy, fodder), horticulture, water and sanitation, seed programs, rural finance, policy advocacy and economic empowerment in Kenya and Uganda.
We build capacity of farmers (and other service providers), develop inclusive value chains and improve linkages along the chains. We employ Inclusive Business Development models, market and enterprise development approaches –creating farmer linkages to markets. We also build networks with different actors including NGOs/CBOs/government/private sector/farmers.
Our vision is ‘to be the lead promoter of Agri-preneurs in Kenya’. CABE’s four core programs bring together the right mix of policy actors, researchers, government, private sectors and academicians to;
- Capacity building and training
- Market linkages
- Access to improved inputs
- Access to extension and financial services
Our Mission
To provide quality products and services to growth-oriented women and youth agri-preneurs in Kenya; to satisfy their esteemed clients.
Our Vision
To be the lead promoter of agri-preneurs in Kenya.
Our Programs
CABE’s four core programs bring together the right mix of policy actors, researchers, government, private sectors and academicians.